Practice>Python>Regex and Parsing>Re.findall() & Re.finditer()hackerrank.com 2019. 4. 3. 12:46728x90
Re.findall() & Re.finditer()
Problem Link : https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/re-findall-re-finditer/problem
Difficulty : Easy, this is not easy, it should be Medium at lest
- Problem is not easy, and quite tricky
- We are going to approach a bit different, unlike discussion in the problem.
- Cs is consonants
- Vs is vowels
- Pattern is like [Cs][Vs][Vs]+[Cs]
- Find this pattern first
- Remove Cs in both beginning, and ending
- Print only vowels
- And replace found vowel from string
- We repeat it until, we don't find the pattern
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